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The Wonders of the Natural and not so Natural World
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Sussex Marine
The Coast of Sussex, some views from the sea
Chalk Wave-cut platforms and shingle
Aldwick Beach – Bognor Rocks
Birling Gap
Bexhill Beach 1
Cuckmere Haven, Sussex, Seven Sisters Country Park.
The Pound
Elmer Rock Groynes
Littlehampton West Beach
Pett Level/Fairlight August 2017
Saltdean Beaches
Selsey West Beach
Thornham Point, Chichester Harbour
Worthing Pipe
Seaford Natural History Society: Newhaven Beach Visit, April 2014
Sussex Seasearch – helping to understand, manage and protect our marine life
Sussex Seasearch Sites
Anchor Lump, Brighton – Gallery of Life
Brighton Marina
Bognor Rocks
Elmer – Sublittoral
Seaford Cannon
Selsey Lifeboat Station
Selsey East beaches and old life boat station area
Selsey Lifeboat Station Swan Song
Selsey East Beach to E and W of far slip
Kingmere Rocks
Kingmere Reef area 16 April 2014
Kingmere 2
Sub-littoral off Widewater, Shoreham
Newhaven Harbour Arm
Mixon Hole
Steam Trawler
Waldrons Sandstone Reef
Widewater Lagoon, Sussex
Worthing Lumps
Other marine
Brighton Marina Divers Swanage Trip July 2013
Getting Ready!
Peverel Ledges, Swanage
Wreck: Betsy Anna
Phoretic Dendrochernes on Ichneumon
Pseudoscorpion Culture
Falkland Island Pseudoscorpion: Beirobisium oppositum
UK Species
Chthonius halberti, Halbert’s Chthonid
Chthonius (Chthonius) tetrachelatus, Dimpled-clawed Chthoniid
Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) kewi, Kew’s Chthonid
Chthonius ischnocheles, Common Chthoniid
Chthonius orthodactylus, Straight-fingered Chthoniid
Chthonius tenuis, Dark-clawed Chthoniid
Neobisium carcinoides, Moss Neobisiid
Neobisium maritimum, Shore Neobisiid
Neobisium carpenteri, Carpenter’s Neobisid
Neobisium simile (L. Koch, 1873)
Roncus lubricus, Reddish Two-eye Neobisiid
Roncocreagris cambridgei, Cambridge’s Two-eye Chelifer
Microbisium brevifemoratum, Bog Neobisiid
Cheiridium museorum, Book Chelifer
Lamprochernes chyzeri, Chyzer’s Shining Claw
Lamprochernes nodosus, Knotty Shining Claw
Lamprochernes savignyi, Savigny’s Shining Claw
Pselaphochernes dubius, Small Chernes
Pselaphochernes scorpioides, Compost Chernes
Allochernes powelli, Powell’s Chernes
Allochernes wideri, Wider’s Tree-chernes
Pselaphochernes dubius, Small Chernes
Dinocheirus panzeri, Terrible-clawed Chernes
Chernes cimicoides, Common Tree-chernes
Dendrochernes cyrneus, Large Tree-chernes
Dactylochelifer latreillii, Marram Grass Chelifer
Chelifer cancroides, House Chelifer
Withius piger, Lazy Chelifer
Larca lata, Oak-tree Chelifer
Iron Deposits into Cutlers Brook
Ultra Violet Imaging
Life in a dark damp tunnel: December 2014
Scientific Publications and Others
Childrens’ Books
Various: an eclectic mix
Benfield Local Nature Reserve, Brighton & Hove
Battle of Britain Hurricane, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Flight Clock
Muzzle Loading
MLAGB Short-range Championships, Bisley 25th October 2015
577 shots
3-band Enfield 0.577 firing
Further Photography of Muzzle Loaders Firing
451 Bullet Mould
Baker Microscope Stage
Fluorescing Bowerbankia
Victorian Microscope Pinion
Eggs of Large White Butterfly, Peirie brassicae
Catshark (dogfish), Scyliorhinus caniculus, Scales
Volcanic Dust from the Icelandic Eruption, 2010: Eyjafjallajökull
Laurel Extra-floral Nectary
Micrometerorites – what you can find in your rain gutters
Scabies and Fungal Infection
Radulae – some Mollusc ‘Tongues’
Roman Glass
Various: an eclectic mix