Pselaphochernes scorpioides, Compost Chernes
The cephalothorax and pedipalps are reddish-brownand the opisthosoma horny-brown; length of body: 1.5–2.0 mm.
Throughout most of Europe. In Britain scattered records have come from southern and central parts of England, one old record from Eire and one recently from Scotland. This species is probably more widespread throughout the country than the present records indicate. It favours rich decaying organic material and is often found in synanthropic habitats such as compost, manure and straw debris. Pselaphochernes scorpioides has also been found in leaf litter, dead wood and the nests of the red-ant Formica rufa. It is commonly phoretic on flies.
For more information see Mark Harvey, Pseudoscorpions of the World.
UK & Ireland Distribution Map
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