Dinocheirus panzeri, Terrible-clawed Chernes
The cephalothorax and pedipalps are red-brown and the opisthosomal tergites honey-brown; length of body: 2.l–2.6 mm.
Central and N. Europe, to England, Denmark, S. Sweden, Holland, north as far as Finland and Lapland. In Britain it is found throughout England, being recorded also from southern Scotland and Northern Ireland. It is likely that this species has a more widespread distribution than the records suggest. Dinocheirus panzeri is a mainly synanthropic species occurring in hay, straw and grain refuse in barns and warehouses. It also occurs inside old established chicken houses and pigeon lofts. Away from man it has been found in birds’, mammals’ and ant nests and rarely under tree bark and in rotting tree stumps. It appears to be phoretic on, at least, birds.
For further information see Mark Harvey, Pseudoscorpions of the World.
For further information see Mark Harvey, Pseudoscorpions of the World.
Below, specimens collected by Dr. R. Anderson, 01/12/2015, Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park; parkland with scattered trees; in soft rot standing sycamore with many beetle holes; probably an old nest site. Grid Reference: J30506760
United Kingdom & Ireland distribution map
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