C. orthodactylus, Straight-fingered Chthoniid
C. orthodactylus has a glossy cephalothorax and opisthosoma that are yellowish-brown to reddish brown, and the pedipalps and chelicerae reddish-brown; Length of body: about 2 mm. The pink image is that of the male genitalia stained with basic fuchsin and is typical of the family Chthoniidae.
Europe: S and W, except Spain. In Britain, the few records so far made largely come from the S. E. with two from S. Wales and one from Ireland. It is probable that this species has a wider distribution than is recognized at present. Locally abundant, this species can be found amongst dead leaves, humus and amongst grass tussocks.
For further information see Mark Harvey, Pseudoscorpions of the World.
UK & Ireland Distribution Map
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