Allochernes wideri, Wider's Tree-chernes
The cephalothorax and pedipalps are red-brown and the opisthosoma yellow-brown; length of body: 2.2–2.5 mm.
Throughout most of Europe, north to Denmark and S. Sweden. In Britain this species is widely distributed in southern England and records extend as far north as Lincoln. It is associated with dead and over-mature trees where it occurs beneath the bark and in the rotting wood during the early stages of decay (dry and slightly damp, but not over-moist conditions) unlike the very rare Larca lata which is predominantly found in very old trees (Ranier & Wilander 2000). Oaks are favoured, but it can be found in other trees such as beech and elm.
For further information see Mark Harvey, Pseudoscorpions of the World.
UK & Ireland Distribution Map
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