Steam Trawler Gallery

Gallery of images of the life on the 'Steam Trawler'.

'Mouse-over' for details. Some help may be needed re. identifications! (Note, images are water-marked and trackable; images can be re-used - please contact gerald[at] )
Part of wreck

213_Oaten Pipe Hydroid, Tubularia larynx and other life

212_Wreckage with Deadman's Fingers, Alconium digitatum and other life

211_Jewel Anemones, Corynactis virids and other life

210_Wreckage with Deadman's Fingers, Alconium digitatum and other life

209_Jewel Anemones, Corynactis viridis

208_Sea Fir Plumularia setacea?


206_Oaten Pipe Hydroid, Tubularia larynx and Deadman's Fingers Alconium digitatum

205_Mystery anemone

204_Small Elephant Ear sponge, Pachymatisma johnstonia and anemone Diadumena cincta

203_Soft coral: Deadman's Fingers, Alconium digitatum

202_Bib, Trisopterus luscus , a pale form


198_Shoal of Bib, Trisopterus luscus,; various colour forms

199_Bib, Trisopterus luscus, shoaling around the wreck


197_Nemertean Worm, Micrura fasciolata?

196_Antenna Hydroid, Nemertisea antennina

195_Sea Anemone, Diadumena cincta and Soft Coral, Alcyonium digitatum

215_Sponge, Suberites ficus

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Unless otherwise stated all images are Copyright of Gerald Legg, naturaimaging. If you would like to use any images, then high resolution ones can be obtained by contacting me.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.